Collaborative divorce
In the United States, a different phenomenon emerged after the rise of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the nineties: Collaborative Law also called Collaborative Divorce.
What is Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative divorce is a new way of separating, in summary it comes down to the following. Partners and lawyers and other parties involved are not an agreement.
What does a Collaborative Divorce lawyer do?
Every partner is advised by his / her own lawyer (and if necessary as a psychologist or pedagogue and accountant / financial specialist) in arranging the consequences of the divorce. A participation agreement is concluded in advance, in which the parties agree that they will treat each other with respect, provide all information and keep each other's legitimate interests (and those of the family) in mind. The parties involved also have a so-called disqualification agreement in which they state that they will not involve any other legal proceedings.
More about Collaborative Law
In 1999 the IACP was founded, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, with the aim of promoting the application and quality of collaborative divorce law. Every year several international conferences are organized.
This rapid development is the result of a transparent and ethical divisional form, which means that we are completely unique. The (formerly) warring parties learn to communicate with each other at a different level, which benefits their children, as well as any children.
The costs for a Collaborative Divorce are low in relation to litigation and the delivered quality is high.
Hamburger Advocaten's lawyer is affiliated with IACP and VVCP (Association of Collaborative Professionals.
This form can be applied worldwide and is not limited to the Dutch border. For example, there are already international collaborative collaborations, and the firm cooperatives with, among others, the following collaborative lawyers inside and outside Europe.
In the field of Collaborative Law, Hamburger Advocaten works together with the following offices:
Cambridge Family Law Practice
William Hogg and Duan Plant
20 Cambrigde Place
Cambridge CB2 1 NS
United Kingdom
Brigitte Bogucki
Avocat a la Cour
15 Rue du Temple
75004 Paris
Avvocato C.Marcucci
Via Franscesco Carrara 28
55100 Lucca
S.Goren Slovin
Attorney at Law & Family mediator
30 Garfield Place Suite 920
Cincinnati Ohio
Anke Voswinkel
Grillparserstrasse 10
81675 M & uuml; nchen
Shiley Alef.advocat mediator
BSR Tower 1
16th Floor
2 Ben Gurionroad.
Ramat Gan 52573
More information about Collaborative Divorce?
Feel free to contact our collaborative lawyer by filling in the contact form on this website.